Privacy Training During a Pandemic

The Challenge
Confidentiality is a priority especially for municipalities who deal with sensitive and personal information on a daily basis. Many municipalities, like the City of Surrey, require a Privacy Awareness Course for all staff to complete an annual basis. Deploying an annual course to a high volume of staff has many challenges including the high cost of implementation, time away from work, and standardizing each class.
The Solution
As a long-term solution, we designed and programmed a mandatory course for all staff to complete annually. This eliminates a lot of training time and staff downtime while ensuring that each staff member receives the exact same, standardized training. E-learning also prevents the spread of COVID-19 by eliminating the need for all of the city staff to come into a shared classroom.
2500-3000 staff needing training
100 classroom expenses saved
400 hours of teaching time saved with 2 instructors per class